Partial Cost Recovery Report Partial Cost Recovery Report Please submit this form upon completion of an event subject to Partial Cost Recovery. Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Select the date that you are submitting your forms and check to Cash Management.Event Name* Please type the name of the event exactly as you reported it to Cash Management on AG-231.Contact Name - Lead Agent* Please type the name of the lead agent sending in the deposit.Event Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please select the first day of the event. If the event is more than one day, please list the additional dates in the next section.Additional Dates Please type in the date of the event (MM/DD/YY). If the event had multiple days use a dash or separate the dates with commas. Example 1: 05/06/11 - 05/07/11 Example 2: 05/06/11, 05/13/11, 05/20/11 If there are no additional days type NONE or leave it blank.Registration Fee* Please type the amount charged to each registrant. DO NOT type the $ sign.Number of Registrants* Total Registration Fees* Please type the TOTAL amount collected for this event. (Registration fee X Number of Registrants). DO NOT type the $ sign.Cost Recovery Amount Total*Please type the amount of the deposit being sent to Cash Management. ($10 per person or !0% of the total, whichever is greater.) DO NOT type the $ sign.Enter Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Please type in the email address you would like your confirmation summary report sent to. (Either agent or county support staff) Δ